Monday, February 7, 2011

Tips for the Perfect Honeymoon

1. Use a travel agent. Agents rarely charge for their services, and, thanks to their expertise and computerized systems, good travel agents almost always save their clients money as well as time.

2. Begin planning early. The sooner the better. That way, you’ll have plenty of time to research your trip it’s actually part of the fun! and you’ll be able to get exactly what you want. (Some places are reserved as much as a year in advance for popular dates.)

3. Share the planning. After all, this honeymoon is for both of you. If you make all the decisions, you’ll feel guilty if things don’t go perfectly. Conversely, if you don’t take part in planning, you may end up dissatisfied.

4. Set a tentative budget. Talk about your expectations and priorities so you can agree before you go about what you’ll splurge on and where you’ll skimp. This way, you’ll avoid money hassles en route. Suggestion: Splurge on your accommodations. Even if you think you won’t spend much time in your room, you’ll probably be sorry if it’s not special.

5. Take it easy. The first few days so you can recover from post-wedding exhaustion and focus on each other. Don’t try to do too much remember, you’ll have lots of time to travel together, but only one honeymoon.

6. Take advantage of free info. Call your destination’s tourist board many have toll-free telephone numbers and websites for free information on hotels, restaurants, activities and festive events. Some even provide discount-coupon books.

7. Register for your honeymoon with a travel agent or tour operator. Gifts are put toward the total cost of your trip. The average couple who uses a registry gets $500 to $1,000, which can really makes a difference.

8. Planning to take your spouse’s name? Unless you’re taking a delayed honeymoon, you won’t be able to amend your passport, driver’s license, etc., until after you’ve returned from your honeymoon. Even though you’ll be anxious to start using your married name, it can be a real nightmare if you haven’t legally changed it yet. Instead, use your maiden name on visas, airline tickets, etc., so they match your name as it appears on your official documents.

9. Pack a sense of humor. A bit of flexibility can go a long way on a honeymoon. Expect that things won’t always go as planned. Do what you can to remedy the situation, then relax and enjoy your honeymoon. Years, or even a few hours from now, you’ll probably laugh.

10. Tell the world you’re honeymooners! Don’t be bashful about your status you’re likely to enjoy special treatment such as complimentary champagne in-flight, or a gift basket in your room.

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